CMAA Lumina Spark Workshop
Unlock the Benefits of Personality Awareness
Join Jason Koenigsfeld, Ph.D., Senior Vice President, Professional Development, and Sarah Bal, CAE, Director, Virtual Education & Research on Monday, November 2, from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. for a three-hour personality awareness summit.
Lumina Spark provides highly interactive and fun experiences in which learners explore who they are, using an individualized psychometric profile tool called a Lumina Portrait. It provides a colorful framework for better self-understanding and helps people identify how to improve their working relationships with others. By applying the Lumina Spark model, learners can unlock many benefits.
This summit includes a personality assessment called "Lumina Spark" which participants will complete prior to the event. Lumina Spark is also included in BMI Club Management. If you plan to take that course in the next year, this summit is not recommended for you.
The summit is limited to 55 attendees to allow for several engagement tactics like Annotate and Breakout Rooms. Attendees should plan to be on camera and ready to participate and meet other attendees.
Cost: $175